Tuesday, April 26, 2011

When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.  ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

How many times have you felt like you have nothing left to hang on to and you just want to let go, give up, throw in the towel?  Whether it be work, family, money, school, or life in general we all get to the breaking point. But, it is your decision at that very moment that is MOST important. That decision, how you choose to handle the situation and how you will let it effect you, determines the course of your life.  Whether it be something small or something major, the approach to determining the outcome should be the same. This quote has significant meaning for me. Having lost TWO loved ones(not related to each other) to suicide within 18 months of each other, I realized  just how much we determine our own future. We determine how other's effect us. We determine our happiness. We determine our success.  These things were not only learned through these two tragic deaths but in the aftermath of those left behind and how  individually everyone responded, reacted, and coped (as well as my lifetime of other experiences.) You may not be able to control or predict consequences but you can control and predict your response and how you deal with it.  Learn to love yourself enough to handle each experience or bump in the road in a positive way. Decide not to let anything get you down. When you feel like you just can't go on and you're at the end of your rope, "TIE A KNOT AND HANG ON"!!!!

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