Friday, April 22, 2011

Great Friday

What an amazing day today is!  A very special one indeed. Today Earth Day and Good Friday unite as one! Think about this....God, Our Father, gave us this earth, He gave us his son, who gave us his life. WOW, GOD IS GOOD! So much giving!!  Today, as we reflect on all that has been GIVEN to us, let's think about how we can give back! Be grateful for the gift of this Earth and take care of it. Be grateful for the gift of Jesus' life on this earth and learn from him. Be grateful for the gift of Jesus sacrificing his own life on the cross that we might be saved  and share it. When God merges Earth with Good Friday we get GREAT FRIDAY!! Be Blessed Everyone!

"The ultimate test of man's conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard."
Gaylord Nelsonfounder of Earth Day

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