Monday, April 25, 2011

Poker Face

 Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well. -- Josh Billings

It's funny that I came across this quote this morning. Just this past Friday I was invited to a friends house for a cookout and Texas Hold 'Em. Now let me first be VERY clear that the extent of my card playing consisted of  go fish, war and solitaire(which I am very good at). But I have never played poker, knew nothing about the rules or  what beat what. So I decided it would be fun to join in and try to learn. I had a little help the first few hands which started my winning streak. I learned a few things that night none of which really included the terminology or rules of the game in fact, I still really don't know what beats what. But these are the lessons that I did learn. First, every time that I folded as soon as my cards were dealt without even trying to see where it could go or how I could do, I wanted to kick myself because I would have won each of those hands.  Second, I realized that if I really wanted to earn big that I had to make an investment. Third, it really doesn't matter what cards you hold, your confidence can effect the way others play the game. So you may be wondering what the outcome of the night was. Well, I was basically winning up to the very end until one the last hands where I folded right from the start , I would have secured my first place earnings had I not. I came in second. I had a great time and learned so much. (I will learn the rules before I play again) These lessons that I learned can really apply to all facet's of life. How many times have you given up when the hand that you were dealt didn't look very promising? Do you invest your time, effort, and money into things of importance to you? Are you confident in what you do and what you have to offer?  How well are you playing the cards that you were dealt?

1 comment:

  1. *LOVE* Life is a funny thing. We can learn a great BUSINESS lesson in an unrelated area of our life!
