Wednesday, March 23, 2011

JudeFrances Jewelry Founders Launch Direct Sales Jewelry Company

JudeFrances Jewelry Founders Launch Direct Sales Jewelry Company

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Art of Listening...

At the grocery store late this evening, I proceeded to the only open check out counter. With no one else in line and no clerk behind the counter,I began placing the few items that I had selected on the belt.

I hear a voice from behind the counter assure me that she'll "be right there".  The clerk then stands up and walks towards the register. She stopped, looked at me,  then said, " Don't ever get 6ft."
So here I stand, a  28(+plus a few) year old woman who stopped her vertical ascent around the age of 13 at a lofty 5ft 2 3/4in(that 3/4 is very important, lol)....Hmmmm.
You can image the humor that found in this puzzling situation. I smile and politely reply, "I don't ever think I'll get that opportunity."
One thing that I have learned is that when people make random statements, especially to strangers, it's because they are trying to lead into some topic of conversation, something that they NEED to talk about. For her it was her back and a looming surgery(who would have guessed that!?!)  But in that brief encounter she got to express herself to someone who listened. She even found a smile to spead across her face.
Something as small as taking a few seconds to listen to someone could mean everything to that person.

Learning to master the art of listening can be a life long process, especially for a talker like me, but such a priceless gift to give.

Friday, March 18, 2011

So Much To Say....

Welcome to my blog. On numerous occasions I have said that I should write a book about one thing or another but for now .....I'll share through my blog.  It is my hope that you will find this a source of inspiration, motivation, and of course humor!